Introducing Podcasts

Introducing Podcasts


We’re excited to announce that PMA Magazine is broadening its horizons! Starting now, PMA will, along with its written content, offer a platform for a diverse range of podcasts. Our first feature is an engaging series hosted by the multi-talented Jay Jay French of Twisted Sister fame. This new feature aligns with our ongoing mission to make PMA Magazine your comprehensive resource for curated, high-quality content across multiple media types.

A Platform, Not a Producer

It’s important to clarify that while PMA Magazine is providing a platform for these podcasts, it is not directly behind their production. Think of PMA as your personal curator: it sifts through the clutter to bring you podcasts that are not just compelling but also bring you the quality and diversity that PMA Magazine is known for.

Kickstarting with Jay Jay French

To inaugurate our podcast platform, we are delighted to feature a series from Jay Jay French. As an individual with a multi-faceted careerโ€”encompassing music, business, and public speakingโ€”Frenchโ€™s podcast promises to offer a fun and enlightening (and occasionally raunchy) listening experience. We’re thrilled that such a dynamic personality is part of our initial lineup, setting the tone for the diversity and caliber of content you can expect in the future.

What’s Next

This is just the starting point. In the coming months, we will gradually expand our podcast offerings. You can look forward to hearing a wide variety of voices on all things audio and music. We are also open to suggestions from you, our valued readers, about what type of content youโ€™d like to see (or hear) at PMA.

Stay Connected

So grab your headphones and prepare to explore a rich world of audio and music content right here at PMA Magazine. Donโ€™t forget to subscribe to stay updated on the latest additions to our ever-growing media universe. We’re eager to become your go-to platform for all your auditory cravings. Welcome to the next level of PMA Magazine!

Listen to The Jay Jay French Connection Here.

ร‰coutez Dans La Loge ici.

2024 PMA Magazine. All rights reserved.

Dear readers,

As you might know, PMA is an independent consumer audio and music magazine that prides itself on doing things differently. For the past three years, weโ€™ve dedicated ourselves to bringing you an authentic listening experience. Our commitment? Absolute authenticity. We steer clear of commercial influences, ensuring that what you hear from us is genuine, unfiltered, and true to our values.

However, independence comes with its challenges. To continue our journey of honest journalism and to maintain the quality of content you love, we find ourselves turning to you, our community, for support. Your contributions, no matter how small, will help us sustain our operations and continue to deliver the content you trust and enjoy. Itโ€™s your support that empowers us to remain independent and keep our ears to the ground, listening and sharing stories that matter, without any external pressures or biases.

Thank you so much for being a part of our journey.

The PMA Team

If you wish to donate, you can do so here.

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