About Us

In 2020, at the onset of the pandemic that shut down public events, co-organiser of the successful Canadian Audiofests, Michel Plante, and audio writer Robert Schryer joined forces to found a publication whose mission was to communicate the joys of hi-fi beyond the scope of product reviews. Taking the spirit of audio shows outside the physical boundaries of a venue, they wanted to create an international audio publication with a community feel, where audio enthusiasts and people in the audio industry could converge inside an intimate space and even contribute to the magazineโ€™s content.

That publication is PMA (โ€œThe Power of Music and Audioโ€) Magazine, designed to honour music but also honour that which takes music out of the background and compels us to listen closely to itโ€”great gear. Therein resides the power of music and audio, in their synergism. They complete each other, and in the process their effect on us, on our relationship with our musicโ€”on our quality of life for that matterโ€”is multiplied. Like any subject weโ€™re passionate about and want others to enjoy as much as we do, Michel and Robert feel the need to share their enthusiasm for the audio hobby with others. Thatโ€™s the point of PMA Magazine.

The audio universe is diverse. Itโ€™s full of great, passionate people. Itโ€™s a rich ecosystem of audio and music lovers, manufacturers, and vendors. Michel and Robert love the audio hobby and as a way of giving back to it theyโ€™ve made it their mission to support it for everyoneโ€™s benefit, and hopefully convey to the uninitiated how rewarding and inclusive our hobby can be. With Michel and Robert at the helm, PMA Magazine will constantly strive to deliver content you wonโ€™t find in any other publication, whose embedded truths and observations will be relevant for years to come.

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