
  • iFi launches LAN iPurifier Pro under new SilentPower brand

    The SilentPower brand is categorized into four main segments: Power Supplies, Cables, Conditioners and Accessories. Each segment is meticulously engineered to deliver superior noise cancellation and power purity.

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  • T+A DAC 200 Review

    “It is quite hard to think how else T+A could have done any better here. A DAC for the ages, without question.”

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  • The Hifi Podcast with Darren and Duncan episodes 26-30

    Episode 26 In the history of hifi audio, there have been many more ย truly small companies than those that can be considered large for the industry. There are specific pros and cons to both, and in this episode of The Hifi Podcast, hosts Darren and Duncan discuss the topic at length. Small companies like Morrison…

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    Each Killer delivers or facilitates a rare and unexpected level of sonic improvement in our system at a price that’s nowhere near high-end.

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  • Michael Fremer bares all in exclusive interview with PMA Magazine, Pt 3/3

    Even Mikey admits that the sound of digital playback has come a long way since its nascent ear-bleeding days. Still, is there an entry-level vinyl setup available today he thinks can beat the sound of even the most expensive digital front-ends?

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  • 3 Things I Learned Aboutโ€ฆ Digital Playback

    The fact is, yourย digital source player, computer or streamer is the first contact point between the music and your audio system. Itโ€™s your digital needle.

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  • Luxmanโ€™s new D-07X digital player

    SACD/CD/DAC player supports the most advanced file formats BALLSTON SPA, New York, March 2023 โ€“ โ€œThis is a transformational period in digital audio, and the new D-07X digital player is at the cutting edge,โ€ said Jeff Sigmund, president of Luxman America. The player supports MQA-CDs, MQA files, 32-bit/768 kHz PCM, 22.4 MHz DSD, conventional USB…

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  • T.H.E. Show 2022

    โ€œAudio Showโ€ is a funny term to me. โ€œAudioโ€ and โ€œShowโ€. They donโ€™t really fit together, do they? How can you show sound? Or is audio show shorthand for audio gear?

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  • The Cable Guru: โ€ฆ Go! A trilogy of digital cables and a tweak

    Here we go, starting with four CD-related products: three SPDIF digital cables and an accessory for CD playback. If the former might rankle the sensibilities of some outside the audiophile sphere, the latter will surely send those same people into a hissy fit.

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  • Pimping your system (on the cheap)

    Whoever said โ€œthe best things in life are freeโ€ obviously never dabbled in high end audio. Thatโ€™s not to say you canโ€™t improve the sound of the system you already have with some judicious tweaking.

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  • Sound Reflections: CD sounds better than you may think. Hereโ€™s why.

    When the CD came out, many vinyl record enthusiasts decried the format. โ€œIt sounds mechanical!โ€ Theyโ€™d protest. โ€œIt sounds cold!โ€ Digital sucks became their mantra. A format war ensued. And while most of them today will concede that CD playback sounds leagues better than it used to, many still can’t fully warm up to it.…

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