Rare Photos of Bowie from the 70s

Rare Photos of Bowie from the 70s

Picture this: itโ€™s January 24, 1973. David Bowie, the chameleonic rock star, steps onto the SS Canberra cruise ship, embarking on yet another leg of his legendary Ziggy Stardust world tour. At his side, capturing every glittering moment, is his childhood chum, Geoff MacCormack. โ€œI remember thinking how enormous the ship was,โ€ MacCormack recalls, โ€œwhich towered above us like some gigantic wedding cake.โ€ This voyage was more than just a passage across the Atlantic; it was the prelude to a whirlwind adventure that would catapult MacCormack into the heart of Bowieโ€™s cosmic journey.

Now, decades later, MacCormack unveils this spectacular odyssey in his new book, David Bowie: Rock โ€™nโ€™ Roll with Me. Bursting with never-before-seen photographs, this visual memoir offers an intimate look at Bowieโ€™s life on and off the stage, from the kaleidoscopic chaos of the tour to serene moments of candid reflection.


David Bowie with his friend Geoff MacCormack.

Like Some Cat From Japan

Bowie pictured in Chicago in 1973 on his Ziggy Stardust tour, sporting an outfit designed by influential Japanese fashion designer Kansai Yamamoto.

Golden Years

Bowie writing lyrics for Station to Station. โ€œHe would often do this right at the last moment for this and other projects,โ€ MacCormack says. โ€œI like the serenity of the image and wish Iโ€™d clocked which track it was he was working on.โ€


Mixing tracks for his 1976 album Station to Station with producer Harry Maslin at Cherokee Studios in L.A.

The Return of the Thin White Duke

Bowie laying down vocals for Station to Station at Cherokee Studios in Hollywood in 1975. โ€œHe looks to be in conversation with someone outside the booth,โ€ MacCormack says.

Wild is the Wind

This photo shows Bowie signing autographs for fans en route to a vacation in Rome after the Ziggy/Aladdin Sane world tour in 1973. โ€œDavid didnโ€™t stay long, he wasnโ€™t one to lounge around sunbathing and returned home after a couple of days, probably to get back to writing!โ€ MacCormack recalls.

Trans-Siberian Express

While traveling on a ship to Siberia to catch the boat train to the Trans-Siberian Express in 1973, Bowie signs an autograph for a fan while sitting with MacCormack.

The Morning After

โ€œWe had a little party on the Trans-Siberian Express. We had a few drinks (copious) with some tourists and young Russian soldiers who said they were in the construction unit. David came off second-best on this occasion and I managed to snap the aftermath!โ€

The Old Rancid

En route to Japan, 1975. MacCormack and Bowie dubbed the boat โ€œthe Old Rancidโ€ (the real name was SS Oronsay).

Mirror Mirror

โ€œThis powerful image taken on the set of The Man Who Fell to Earth was a reflection in a mirror when David was having his make-up applied.โ€

One Magical Movement

A recently discovered image from The Man Who Fell To Earth set, 1975.

The Flamingo

Another shot from The Man Who Fell to Earthโ€˜s set, 1975. โ€œThe flamingo pose was a force of habit for Bowie,โ€ MacCormack says.
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