3 Things I Learned About…

  • 3 Things I Learned Aboutโ€ฆ Magnepan Speakers

    First impressions are mostly right, except when it comes to Magnepan speakers. On first audition, their sound may not grab you like that of conventional speakers. Theyโ€™re certainly not flashy-sounding. But that is part of their allure. And itโ€™s one reason why Iโ€™ve been living with Magnepan speakers for over 10 years. Mine is an…

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  • 3 Things I Learned Aboutโ€ฆ Digital Playback

    The fact is, yourย digital source player, computer or streamer is the first contact point between the music and your audio system. Itโ€™s your digital needle.

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  • 3 Things I Learned Aboutโ€ฆ Speakers

    This may seem like a radically bold statement, but here goes: The choice of speakers accounts for 12.5% of the sound quality in your room. โ€˜How the heck did he get to that number?โ€™, you may ask. That number is a half of a half of a half, a calculation Iโ€™ll explain soon. Iโ€™ve owned…

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  • 3 Things I Learned Aboutโ€ฆ Amplifiers

    The number of amps Iโ€™ve owned in my home is 49. Some of them were back-breaking heavy. And since my listening room/attic is on the third floor and Iโ€™m a skinny guy with no muscles to show off, it wouldnโ€™t have been possible for me to try out all these amps and subsequently write this…

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  • 3 Things I Learned Aboutโ€ฆ Interconnects

    Iโ€™m of the opinion that cable design is a thing, which is why some audio cables perform better than others, and you canโ€™t convince me otherwise. Iโ€™ve heard the differences.

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