
  • The Vinyl Frontier: A Spin Through Record Store Day

    Click here to jump to the highlights and special releases of the 2024 edition. On April 20th, vinyl enthusiasts and music aficionados around the globe unite for a celebration that spins beyond just a routine shopping spreeโ€”itโ€™s Record Store Day, the annual event thatโ€™s been putting the needle back on the beloved grooves of vinyl…

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  • Tanglewood’s Rockstar: Leonard Bernstein

    As 1970 unfurled its musical tapestry, icons like Zeppelin, The Stones, and Dylan were laying down tracks that would reverberate through the ages. Yet, amidst the electrifying riffs and beats, there was another star rising on a different stage: Leonard Bernstein. His arena? The tranquil expanses of Tanglewood.

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