• “No, I have the best system in the world!” #2: The Personal Triumph of Audio Perfection

    I know, the best system in the world is in the ear of the beholder. So howโ€™s this: What I have is a system thatโ€™s best-ish, in that it has tamed the upgrade beast in me and made me very happy.

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  • Pimping your system (on the cheap)

    Whoever said โ€œthe best things in life are freeโ€ obviously never dabbled in high end audio. Thatโ€™s not to say you canโ€™t improve the sound of the system you already have with some judicious tweaking.

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  • I am not an audiophile

    I am not an audiophile, or an expert on music. I donโ€™t like being labelled. But I do love most musical genres. I fell in love with music when I was nine. โ€œThatโ€™s a young age to fall in love for the first time!โ€ I hear some of you saying. It is. But by nine…

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