Int’l Audio Shows

  • Observations At T.H.E. Show 2024

    “What Iโ€™m going to say now with 100% certainty is that I had never heard these two recordings sound better than they did in that room.”

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  • Seoul International Audio Show 2024

    Impressions of South Korea’s thriving audio show, along with a handful of Best-of-Show rooms.

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  • T.H.E Show 2023

    Iโ€™ve been reporting on T.H.E. Show for PMA Magazine for 3 years now and every year Iโ€™ve been selecting PMAโ€™s Top 3 Rooms of the show.

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  • AXPONA 2023, Part 2

    A brand heavily promoted by Roon to showcase their streaming software and gear is Dutch & Dutch. Photo 1 shows the full-range, Roon-ready, DSP-equipped, class-D powered model 8c ($14,950).

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  • AXPONA 2023, Part 1

    The last AXPONA I attended was five years ago. Much has since changed. The good news is that AXPONA was bustling this year.

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  • Florida Audio Expo, 2023

    This yearโ€™s edition boasted 77 exhibits, with over 180 brands on display.

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  • In Search of audio at CEDIA Expo 2022

    Long ago are the days when CEDIA could be considered, among other things, a high-end audio industry show. Now itโ€™s mostly for designers, sellers, and installers of various home and commercial electronics products that revolve around home automationโ€”the Smart Home segment.

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  • T.H.E. Show 2022

    โ€œAudio Showโ€ is a funny term to me. โ€œAudioโ€ and โ€œShowโ€. They donโ€™t really fit together, do they? How can you show sound? Or is audio show shorthand for audio gear?

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  • Gilles goes to High End Munich 2022โ€”an intro

    High End Munich is an extraordinary event unlike any other. Nowhere else can you hear and see such a large display of high-end gear assembled by exhibitors from around the world. I had a chance to attend the 2022 show, which ran from May 19 to 22. Over the course of those three days, I…

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  • T.H.E Show 2021

    First impressions All prices listed in USD My wife is not an audiophile. But as a classically trained pianist and a professional musician, she has ears for sound quality. Itโ€™s why I sometimes seek her opinion after changing something in my audio system. This yearโ€™s T.H.E. Show, held in Long Beach, was her first audio…

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